Turnip raab, purchased from the farmer's market: My tentative plans include oil & garlic with cherry tomatoes and cremini mushrooms - possibly over pasta, and steamed with lemon juice and braggs...I am very open to suggestions! Depending on the taste, I may have it with coconut-curry peanut sauce and carrots - I made a batch of sauce this weekend, near my ideal consistency and flavor and have it in the fridge.
Blood orange-Tangelo scones with toasted almonds I used the orange scone recipe from Vegan with a Vengeneace, and since I had no oranges I subbed a blood orange and a tangelo for the peel & juice. Because I love them, I also added toasted almonds on top of half the scones. The icing is also blood orange-tangelo flavored. These scones are so amazing well flavored.
OMG! Those scones look & sound amazing! great pic, & I wish we could buy some of those at the daily grind. I'm jealous that your farmer's market is up & going, ours doesn't start again until the 22nd. Your plans for the turnip raab sound delish...what an interesting looking plant. have you cooked w/it before?
Cool! I've never heard of turnip raab before, only broccoli raab. And those scones look absolutely amazing! I'm getting Vegan with a Vengeance soon, and I can't wait.
I like greens. We have to wait until end of May for a farmer's market and then it's only early sprong stuff.
My favorite green is Spanish Style Greens and Potato soup... I like turnip greens with. Another favorite is simply southern style greens. I savory tart os sounding good also.
At first I thought the greens were Chinese broccoli. I'd go with steamed with braggs and lemon juice. Yum. You make the most amazing bakegoods. You should really consider doing this for a living!
Your sweet treats are amazing. Wait, how many times have I told you that?!?
OMG! Those scones look & sound amazing! great pic, & I wish we could buy some of those at the daily grind.
I'm jealous that your farmer's market is up & going, ours doesn't start again until the 22nd. Your plans for the turnip raab sound delish...what an interesting looking plant. have you cooked w/it before?
those scones are bee-utiful, as are those greens! I would use them in green smoothies, but that's my raw self talkin' =)
Cool! I've never heard of turnip raab before, only broccoli raab. And those scones look absolutely amazing! I'm getting Vegan with a Vengeance soon, and I can't wait.
I like greens. We have to wait until end of May for a farmer's market and then it's only early sprong stuff.
My favorite green is Spanish Style Greens and Potato soup... I like turnip greens with. Another favorite is simply southern style greens. I savory tart os sounding good also.
Scones, wow.
Holy YUM. Those look absolutely amazing. love orange-flavored anything.
At first I thought the greens were Chinese broccoli. I'd go with steamed with braggs and lemon juice. Yum.
You make the most amazing bakegoods. You should really consider doing this for a living!
tHOSE Are some nice looking scones!
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