I'm not interested in using these Trader Joe's noodles again, they're too thin, but they serve a purpose for now. The tofu was pre-marinaded in sesame oil, agave and soy sauce. I have leftovers for tommorow's work lunch.
I tried the raab raw, and I didn't see it going with the sauce. If all goes as planned (on my mental to-make list), the raab will be an Italian-style side dish tommorow night.
I've been pretty happy with my simple peanut sauce in the past, but yours makes me want to experiment with a more complex version. Coconut milk is a plus in anything for me. Your udon noodles are not the same as the udon noodles I have, though. I don't know what that's about, but it's not an isolated incident since every description I've ever read of them sounds more like yours than mine. I think I have the mutant reject noodles. They still taste good, though.
I've never done a peanut sauce before. I dont think i've even encountered it in takeout, then again choices in my area are pretty limited. I'm going to have to search out a recipe and cook some up.
I like peanut butter and all but i'm not a pb evangelist, i'm more take it or leave it. How peanutty is it?
Could you post your recipe for the sauce??? I have never made a peanut sauce and would like to try!
Everything always looks so good! I added you to my blog (as a blog I read), hope that's okay. Maybe you could add me to your links? If not, that's okay, I was just wondering.
I had peanut sauce last night at someone else's house for dinner. It was really good (and it was so nice of them to make special vegan food for me). I've got to try to make some peanut sauce on my own now.
We have food telepathy. I'll be posting my "tofu stir-fry" with peanut later. This looks really good to me as I wish I had broccoli in my meal (I ran out).
I had noodles with coconut curry sauce at a restaurant this weekend and thought that I would make my own (better?) version at home. And here it is- thanks for the reinforcement!
I had to look at the pic again and enlarged it. It does look much better than what I ordered!
Can't wait to see your photos from your shopping spree!
wiebke- I want to hear more about these fancy pants cookies.
Amanda- (oh my gosh!) your mutant noodles look way more appetizing then my skinny flat tasteless noodles were.
jessiegirl- A great thing about peanut sauce is that you can always adapt it, I'd start with some coconut milk and add peanut butter to taste, from 2 tablespoons - 1/2 a cup, whatever suits you. The sauce I made was not too peanut butter-y at all, I've had that issue in the past. I really like peanut sauce as a dip (fried tofu especially), possibly more than noodles.
Harmonia - I do most ingredients "to taste" in sauce recipes but next time I make it I'll try to write it down as a I go for ya ~
primaryconsumer - thank you for visiting!! I'll be sure to visit as well.
Grace- give it a try, it's a very flexible recipe to work with. That's so lovely people made you special vegan food, and you enjoyed it, to boot!
Leslie - great minds think alike ? ; ) as if I could resist..
Kai - thank you! I know you will enjoy making this and having this~
I love coconut curry! There is a restaurant near my house called "Azia" that does a mean tofu coconut curry, sans the peanut. That curry makes my nose run, but man, it's awesome. I'll have to start experimenting in my own kitchen!
This looks so good! Great inspiration :-)
yo!! that looks totally totally awesome!!
I've got to chime in that your peanut sauce sounds amazing...& I want to try something like that. You make it sound easy....& look delicious!
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