Cookies, Cookies, Cookies.

The book is obviously going to be amazing and you should add it to your repertoire, duh. There's perfect vegan omelets!! There's also going to be Tofu Benedict, Chorizo Sausages, Peruvian Homefries, Tomato Rosemary Scones, Puttanesca Tofu Scramble and a ton, ton, ton more. The woman whipped up the Puttanesca scramble in a matter of minutes, yet it still tasted way better than any I've had recently in Portland, besides one she made last month that I tried.

I'll be sure to have a big Vegan Brunch testing round up post before the book is out, no doubt.
The thing is, these are the perfect cookies. She's been working to perfect them, and she did. I almost didn't trust the dough, as it was quite moist when I was popping them in the oven - but as a practiced tester, I tried a couple as is, and 9 minutes later, I had beauties and the hint of hesitation faded. You'd think Isa and Terry were working on a cookie book or something.....
I'd bought a big bag of tapioca starch on the serious cheap at Fubonn a couple years ago, and I'm happy to opt for it whenever it's an option in a recipe. The first step of mixing the sugars, tapioca and oil with a fork really does create the dark caramel she describes. Tapioca flour (aka starch) is cheap and a handy thickener to add to your collection of cornstarch and arrowroot, so pick some up, even if it's just for this recipe because you'll use it in the future. It's so goopy-fying.
Bonus Vegan Brunch porn previously posted on Get Sconed!
Tofu Benedict with Hollandaise



Tofu Scramble with Mushrooms by Isa
(I feel so creepy posting this but you know you want to look)

Holy yum!!!! Perfect, indeed.
I saw this yesterday, and can't wait to try it once I get some tapioca stuff!
Looks yummay
i just got very overwhelmed by lustful sighs.
Those cookies look perfect!!!!!
iloveyouiloveyouiloveyoui'mso glad we're bff,those cookies look so good they restore my faith in everything.
despite the fact that i'm in nyc and will be going to lula's every night from tomorrow to saturday,i wanna make these cookies,and think i should take advantage of the different chips and lentils available here.
they look amazing,jess.
The book is going to be so, so, so good! I can't wait to have a print copy. Brunch for everyone!
I've been uber curious about the cookies, so I'm stoked to hear they're great. Not that I'd expect anything less from Isa!
yay for cookies. i just baked a batch of cho-chips from VWAV, and everyone loved them. i'm happy there's a new recipe to try.
those cookies were very reminiscent of Soft Batch cookies! I took a consensus at Tube and those i spoke with agreed.
those cookies like mighty fine indeed. and don't act like someone was twisting your arm to make them, hahaha... i know that for me, if i hear the word 'cookie' whispered from 20 feet away that i will be making some that night. it doesn't take much, really.
and yay for brunch! you're so lucky to be a tester!
I cannot *wait* for this book. I only like brunch at home, so it's perfect for me...yay, another Isa book!
The choc-chippers look insanely good.
Now I'm craving brunch! And cookies.
Wonderful photos!
I'm gonna say it again...I just can't wait for that book!!! I've found that most vegan cookbooks have a crappy selection of breakfast recipes. And I'm a major breakfast person. That benedict looks to-die-for!
your cookies are definitely picture perfect. what do you think - if i grind up tapioca pearls (also bought for like 0 cents from fubonn, the unopened bag moved from portland with me), i'll have tapioca flour, right?
Hi Jess,
The cookies look incredible!
I tagged you, you can check out the details on my blog:
Zoey's Kitchen
omg omg omg that tofu benedict looks AMAZING
Sophia - I've never heard of that and would gladly share some of my cheap tapioca if it doesn't work out : )
I ADORE tofu benedict! The best one was at Counter Restaurant in NYC...but I must say your photo looks to die for! OMG i can't stop salivating!
that tofu benedict is insane looking. wow i wish i had that for breakfast today. i heart food porn!
Okay. Now I'm going to have to buy the cookie book when it comes out. So much for just saying no to cookbooks.
do you know when the new book comes out or is it already in stores? i need to get this puppy!
Joanna - the Brunch book hits this spring.
The chocolate chip cookie recipe is ridiculously easy and dangerously delicious.
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