Showing posts with label bake sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bake sale. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2007

Bake Sale

The bake sale was a success! I didn't sell absolutely out, but I did sell for cheap and closed down early, with the street traffic shrinking and sun blaring at after 3pm. I baked from 10:15pm-2:30am on Friday night after my class, and from 7:30am-8:30am, and then from 9am-11am on Saturday morning.

All in all I made:

Mini tart crusts
Mocha chocolate chip mini cheezecakes
Vanilla lemon mini cheezcakes
Fudgey Wudgey Blueberry brownies (Veganomican)
chocolate chip cookies
coconut cookies, with and without chocolate/coconut decor
blueberry orange scones with orange flavored icing
Sunny pineapple raisin carrot mini bundt cakes (Veganomican)
Smlove peanut butter chocolate hazelnut pie (Veganomican)
Maple cupcakes (VCTOTW)
Cookies and Creme cupcake with an extreme amount of frosting (VCTOTW)
Gluten free Peppermint Chocolate brownies (Babycakes)*

It was a fantastic, fulfilling baking spree! I came home with quite a profit, especially selling items for 25 cents, $1, $1.50 and $2 (cheezecakes). I sold the entire Smlove pie for $14 as my third sale! I'm aiming to sell again at an upcoming event, so I'll keep this blog updated with information.

These were AWFUL and I wish I had tried one before I had been selling them most of the day!
Seriously, if you are reading this and ate one, please let me know and the next time I'm hopefully selling somewhere, something awesome is on the house. Ridiculous of me not to try them.

But moving on....some leftovers, before being given away and eaten by friends and Thomas..
Unfortunately my batteries died when I set up!

And some real food, for the heck of it - grilled plate of super seed and grain bread, pesto and balsamic portabella cap (4.99/lb at Limbo!), white eggplant, tomato/basil topping, pesto cashew cheez and VYY tester glazed beans with pine nuts.