While I'm a a fan of homemade cheezy sauces any day, I picked up Playfood's Nacheezmo dip from Food Fight! last weekend. It was a new product I couldn't resist, and I already knew I liked it.
It's actually the nacho cheeze sauce that you can pump at Food Fight! onto nachos.
It's tangy, slightly spicy and even somewhat cheezy. Very 7-11 cheeze sauce. Worth the near $5 a small tub, yes, but as a rare fake-cheeze purchase. I've been just as happy with sauces I've made at home, but I do like knowing this level of tastiness is available on store shelves, at least on vegan store shelves in Portland, OR. The website is under construction but I've read about it being available in California and elsewhere. I was sad that it wasn't in a squeeze bottle like I've seen before...
Upping its novelty-appeal is the fact that it was co-started by Taran Noah Smith, of Home Improvement fame. Don't you wonder what JTT thinks.
I had fun making more of Isa's round two testing omelets and smothering them with this fakeness.
This one has black olives, kale, Mexican Field Roast black beans, garlic, spices and zucchini.
DAMN those omelets look authentic!
What would JTT do?
Whenever you're ready for lunch, I'm a go. No pressure :)
I can't have the cheeze sauce cuz of the nuts, but as veggiegirl said, damn those omlets look good!
Those omlettes look awesome! - I wish I could find some of the cheezy sauce.
The omelettes look great. I love how the sunlight brightens the whole pictures, giving that whole 'eating a great breakfast in the sun is there any better way to start the day' feeling.
Oh man. I really cannot wait until I'm in Portland. Only a few more weeks...!
I saw this while I was at Food Fight and was so tempted to get it, but I figured it probably wouldn't hold up too well without refrigeration... Such a shame. :(
Oh, I must go to FF! I love the cheezy sauce I make at home, but to be able to eat some lazy nachos without all the cooking would sure be a treat!
i still haven't had the nachos yet. i think i keep hoping that they'll soon have the nachos containers with the separate compartment for cheese....
i have had it on the hot dog and that's yum!
Pretty pictures, especially the omelet! I need some of that sauce!
Omelets look super delish. ANd I am all for a tub of nacho cheeze - no matter what. Everyone needs to indulge now and then.
Ooh, I'll have to grab some of that cheezy sauce while we're in town for Ryan! The omelets look YUM.
I still can't get over the fact that the kid from Home Improvement has a vegan food company. God, I can't believe how much Tim Allen annoys me.
Cheezy sauce from a pump? Crazy. And awesome.
Oh man, I want some Nacheezmo! I wonder if it's available by mail order through Food Fight...I'll have to check. I miss gas station nacho cheese, and my homemade cheese sauce is kind of a pain to make when I'm craving convenience junk food...
Mmm, I love nacho cheesey goodness! Seriously, every time I read your blog I get impatient to move back to the NW (Seattle). It's so vegan friendly!
Those omlettes look so tasty! I'm already excited for that cookbook!
The sauce sounds lovely and boy does that look good!
Looks awesome!
The omelets look amazingly sinfully lucsciously good!
I didn't like nacho cheese in my pre-vegan days, but maybe Nacheezmo would change my mind. Love the name.
I picked up some play food when I was in CA and smuggled them back to NY! I would definitely try their nacho cheese if I ever ran into it... and those omelets look great!
The plain cheezy cheese (or however they spell it) is super good too. It was the first vegan cheese I'd tasted, as it was on a cracker shoved in my face with the command to EAT THIS. So glad I did.
And Taran's a really sweet guy, so you can feel good about buying his stuff.
i love that sauce too! lately i make special trips to foodfight to have a cheesedog and i feel like i'm in elementary school again on that special cheesedog thursday when they schlop the nacho cheese all over the dog and bun...but it's so much better this time around!
mmmmmmmmmmmm cheeeeeeeeeze! :D those omelets look freak'n outstanding & glorious!
Oh, JTT. Where the hell are you now? The Nacheezmo sounds intriguing...
Omelettes and cheese!? Be still my heart.
I haven't had artery-clogging, glued together true nachos in a long time... I may just ahve to spring for some of that fake nacho cheezy goodness!
I was all focused on the cheeze sauce until I saw the omelet picture. Damn those omelets are beautiful!
Yum! As a fellow faux-cheese sauce fan, I gotta say: those nachos & "omelettes" look AMAZING!! Is there anything faux-cheese CAN'T do? :)
PS-JTT was my first love...
Really effective data, thank you for the article.
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