First off, thank you to anyone who has sent
a vote my way! That's amazing & sweet, and I'm honored to be among the MANY deserving vegan bloggers in the running. I am ridiculously proud of this blog, and I'm glad some people can dig it, and understand my obsessions!
Uh, speaking of sweet - I had a pint of organic strawberries bought on sale, and made a shake the other night inspired by Burgerville. I pass by one on the bus, and the 'strawberry milkshares' sign has been
calling me. This one is certainly dairy free, made with the berries, tofutti vanilla soy cream and vanilla soy milk.

Can I mention again that I miss Diesel Cafe in Somerville, MA? I really miss Davis Square altogether.

These are farmer's market fresh
yukon gold potatoes, roasted with lemon juice, coarse sea salt and pepper.

I was busy yesterday running errands, including getting my bike fixed! and riding it! new helmet, etc - and didn't get around to having a real meal until 3pm or so. I knew I wanted breakfasty food, and tofu scramble it was. This is an Italian-themed one, with fresh basil, sundried tomatoes, three types of mushrooms (cremini, shiitake and white), spinach, carrots, kale and cauliflower. Of course, a ton of minced garlic was added after the mushrooms, cauliflower and tofu started cooking.
I don't have that much to report photo/creation wise from the weekend - we actually went out to eat twice - once at Bay Leaf (which I adore) and then to dinner at Vegetarian House the following night with friends.

Served with chocolate soymilk and hot sauce.

I have a similar salad as part of my lunch today;this was Thomas' from yesterday. So fresh.

Perhaps the last Veganomican test recipe you shall see on this blog - Crispy salt and pepper tofu. Above I added baby boy choy and served it with quinoa, and below it's cooked with more baby bok choy and broccoli.

Another impromptu meal of the boyfriend's - sauteed mushrooms and sundried tomato seitan over brown rice with marinara. Next time he said he'd do without the sauce.

Last night I was busy fine tuning my miso cheezy & roasted vegetable lasagna recipe for an Italian-themed column in Perpetual Toxins. Now all I have to do is actually write it down to make sense..hmmm
Ooh, I've been craving tofu, and cauliflower is the best in the scrambles. I'm Natural Hygiene-ing at the moment, though, so it'll have to wait. Not even tea for me at the moment, but it's going well.
I love those baby bok's - fresh they're almost as juicy as an orange.
Mmmm, miso cheesy and roasted vegetable lasagna sounds SO good! I hope you post the recipe once you have perfected it! And this coming from someone who is not even a lasagna fan. (I need to try me a good vegan lasagna).
Oooh, and that strawberry milkshake- yum.
I love your blog, Jess--so many interesting things you cook up! How about sending one of those strawberry shakes my way? ;)
Those potatoes look awesome. I never would have thought to roast potatoes with lemon juice-thanks for the idea =)
Your blog is definitely one of my favorites, Jess! I finally made The Great Seitan and your New Farm Mac 'n Cheez - both way yummy!
Your shake and all the tofu dishes look really great, and that lasagne looks so cheezy good!
That strawberry shake looks so good, I think I need to add some ingredients to my shopping list. My children will thank you! I feel pretty grateful myself. I am loving your blog, and I am so glad I came across it on the Blogger's Choice Awards.
Oh that strawberry shake looks positively delicious - I especially love the swirliness of the colors.
Congrats on getting nominated for the BCA! Your food pics always make me hungry.
I live in Davis Square and I love Deisel too. Gorgeous food as always.
The fresh yukon gold potatoes look scrumptious. I can't wait for farm market season to begin here. The crispy salt and pepper tofu looks delish. It's making me hungry.
So I saw the diesel glass and immediatly thought, "When was Jess in Boston?!!!"
I wanna' have breakfast at your place-yum. Aren't Sundays the bestest?
Hip hip hooray for bikes! :D
Everything looks so good! I especially love the roast potatoes…they look perfect! And the miso cheesy lasagna sounds gorgeous!
Jess, your new picture looks sad :(
Dig the new glasses, tho.
It all looks so good, especially the lasagna at the bottom. I love roasted veg lasagna.
Love the potatoes (lemon juice is my favourite way to do yukon golds!) and am envious of and curious about the lasagna! Delish!!!
Oh, and I continue to love this blog :) Voted? Yes I did. Good luck. Hugs.
Jess, every time i visit your blog i am treated to so many wonderful sights... my nose imagines what my eyes see and the smells of the foods you make that i have a recollection of are so... i dunno... real! And the myriad foods i've never tried... well, my sniffer tries to make a best-guess.
It all is incredible and your photography of the food is amazing!! i only wish i could eat some of it... most of it... OK, all of it! At least in moderation...
Your Diesel glass brought back fond memories of the summer I spent living just blocks from Davis Square on Broadway...
hi jess! congrats on your nomination -- wishing you all the best there. i'll tell you that i totally dig your blog. about the food, my fav here is the yukon gold potatoes with lemon - can't help it, guess it's the idaho in me. enjoy the bicycle. :o)
Your lasagna looks sooo good...
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